Frequent “Family Time” Assists Healthy Work-Life Balance

Family Time

When it really comes to having a happy family life, balancing time between work and your loved ones is important. All too often, work becomes a person’s top priority because we have to pay the bills. But when we allow career to squeeze out family time, we might become irritable with our family members. Work is important, but so are our relationships at home.

Don’t Do Unnecessary Overtime Work

If you love your job, it might be tempting to do extra paperwork, make additional calls to clients, or accept new responsibilities with no potential of reward. However, if you are assuming these tasks at the expense of time spent with family, you may wish to reconsider. Some of the happiest people are able to get their work completed and excel at their job without putting in additional, unnecessary l hours. Their reward is valuable time with a partner/spouse, children, and/or other family members, and job satisfaction.

Family Time

Regular Family Meals

Time for family meals is usually limited by school and work schedules. Make family dinnertime in the evenings and other meals on the weekends a priority. These times are an opportunity to share your achievements and frustrations and take an interest in what everyone else has done during the day.

Uninterrupted Family Activities

Set aside time at home when you choose not to make phone calls, check email, or dawdle on the internet. Think of fun activities for everyone to do together, such as “movie night,” “game night,” or a family getaway. Simply making time to attend a child’s ballgame and school performance — or your partner’s volunteer activity — can be moments your family will always cherish.

Family Time

If you feel you’ve neglected your family and need help balancing family with work, please call for Depression and Relationship Counselling Services. We listen carefully to your story and will help find a solution that works for you. We can help. Call us today at (519) 253-1519.